Review and personalize mailings

In this article:

Review mailing details

Once you create and save a new mailing, you will be taken to the Mailing details page where you can see a summary of your mailing as well as view the recipients who will receive it.

Here you'll also have the option to personalize letters and update the Addressee and/or Salutation fields used in the mailing if needed.

You can access the Mailing details page anytime by clicking on the name of the mailing or on the Recipients link (the number of recipients for the mailing, which is clickable) from the Mailings > Draft mailings page.

Then click the Review, Download & Print tab to view the mailing details:

Personalize individual letters

Maybe you'd like to add a personal note or special message to one or more of the letters in the batch. To personalize individual letters in any mailing that is using the LGL Simple Text Editor, from the Review, download & print tab in the mailing wizard... the  Edit button for the letter you want to personalize:

Once you click Edit, you can make as many edits or additions to that letter as you like. Click Save when finished. 

NOTE: Only mailings using or created with a letter template using LGL's Simple Text Editor can be personalized in this manner. Mailings using a Microsoft Word document cannot be personalized within LGL. However, you can update them in Word prior to printing if you want to make changes to one or more of them.

Updating Salutation and/or Addressee fields

Maybe you noticed that your Addressee and Salutation fields do not match and you want to correct them before you send your mailing. If you hover over the Addressee/Label Name or Salutation fields, the Edit link will appear. Click this link to make any updates or corrections. (NOTE: Making an update here will also change the Addressee/Label Name and/or Salutation fields in the constituent's permanent record.)

Click Save when finished: