Mapping goals

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are exporting goal data and re-importing it in order to bulk update it, make sure you include the LGL Constituent ID and the LGL Goal ID in your export. When re-importing, ensure that you set up mappings for these fields (map the LGL Goal ID to the LGL Gift ID) so that the bulk change you are making will occur in the correct constituent and goal records.

Important information

Goals are primarily intended to help LGL customers manage major gift work, grant proposal tracking, and capital campaigns. For mailed appeals, there is a different functionality; that field is called "Appeal Ask Amount"

Required fields

The only required field is the "Ask Amount" field (remember to use a plain numerical value without text)

Special fields

None available


Import file

Field mapping

NOTE: The Record Preview for your goal mapping will look as follows. The "Amount" and "Gift Date" fields will display as missing, which is expected behavior since a goal record is being created, rather than a gift record.