Customizing the order and display of constituent menu items

To control which constituent categories are visible in the constituent record and in which order they appear, navigate to the  Settings > Menu items > Constituent categories page and click the Customize order and display button, as shown here.

You can manage the display settings for both system-provided constituent categories as well as any custom categories you add to your account.

The following options are available:

  • Sort order: You can change the order that the categories appear in the abbreviated constituent view or the filters on the Constituents page by dragging and dropping the categories, using the "Arrows" icon to the left of the category name
  • Enabled?: Use this setting to fully enable or disable the display of a category (everywhere in your account)
  • Use as filter?: Use this setting to toggle the display of a category as a filter in the All Constituents view
  • Show in search?: Use this setting to toggle the display of a category in the abbreviated constituent view search results