Generate and send acknowledgment letters

Once you have assigned your acknowledgment letter template to gifts, you are ready to send your letters. A few steps are required to complete this process:

Review a sample of the letter to make sure it looks good

From the Fundraising > Acknowledgments tab, you can see and interact with the acknowledgment mailing you created.

From here, you can click the Sample button to see a sample of your acknowledgment mailing:

Generate the letters in PDF or as a Word document

Please note that if you used the LGL template to create your acknowledgment template, your letter download document will be a PDF file. If you used a MS Word document template, your letter download document will be a Word document.

Download and print the letters

If you’re happy with how the sample looks, you can download the entire mailing by clicking the Download button. (If the number of letters in the batch is large, you’ll first see a Generate All button. Once you click it, the button will change to read “Download All” when the merged letters have been generated.)

Click the Download All button to save the mailing to your computer or simply open it. Keep in mind that you may need to click into your Downloads folder to see the file after the download is complete.

You can also download envelopes or labels, if you selected to use them in your acknowledgment template:

NOTE: If you want to see the letters onscreen or view the details of your mailing, click on the number of recipients in the Recipients column:

From here, you can also print a sample or download the entire mailing, if you choose:

Mark your mailing as “Sent”

Once you’ve printed your letters, to remove them from the acknowledgments batch so that they won’t be included in it the next time you want to send acknowledgments, mark the mailing as sent.

To do this, go back to Fundraising > Acknowledgments, and switch the status of the mailing from “Draft” to “Sent”:

Now your mailing will appear in the Sent Mailings tab on this page:

View and print an acknowledgment for one gift

You can view/print a single acknowledgment letter by finding the gift and clicking on the name of the acknowledgment mailing:

You can then download the letter, print it, and send it. If you print a one-off acknowledgment letter, you still need to go to Fundraising > Acknowledgments > Draft mailings and mark it "Sent" in order for LGL to consider the mailing sent. (If this is the only acknowledgment not yet sent, it will appear here and you can mark it sent.)

Once your letters or letter are printed, you can stuff or label your envelopes and put them in the mail.

Congratulations, the task of sending your acknowledgments is complete (until your next gift rolls in)!