Example form: Event registration
In this article:
This article shows an example of a relatively simple gala dinner registration form you can create in LGL Forms.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure you have created your event in LGL, including adding any event categories and event attributes, before you start working on an event registration form for it.
Form display
Single ticket
When the form first opens, it defaults to a single ticket purchase but provides the option for two tickets.
Pair of tickets
If the option for two tickets is selected, this form is set to display additional fields.
Display rules
In the edit mode for the form, we can look at the display rules for the fields we want to pop up when two tickets are being purchased. The display rules are based on a value being passed through the "Tickets - Amount" field in the form.
In this case, if the field "equals" 200 (meaning the value of the amount field is $200), we want to display the text box to collect guest information.
Form mapping
Let's take a look at how this form is mapped to LGL.
First, you'll want to first make sure your general settings for record matching and updating are set the way you want them.
Scanning down the mapping page, you'll see that standard fields are mapped automatically, such as the name and email address of the person completing the form.
Gift field
One of the fields worth taking a closer look at, though, is the Gift field.
Note that the value being passed in the field titled "Tickets" is the dollar ($) amount, not the quantity. This field should automatically map to "Gift amount". You also want to map "Submission Date" to "Gift date". Every gift in LGL requires a date. ( NOTE: If no date is provided when someone submits your form, LGL Forms will automatically assign the submission date as the gift date.)
Make sure the name of the event is populating the "Gift event name".
Custom event fields
As described in the article Customize your event, you can create custom fields for an event in LGL. In the case of this Gala form, we want to capture some of the extra information for our event, namely:
- The meal preference for the primary attendee and a guest (if applicable)
- Whether or not the primary attendee will use the same bid number as any guests
- It can take 10 to 15 minutes for custom fields that you create in your LGL account to show up on the LGL Forms mapping page.
- It is possible to map to an event's custom categories and attributes ONLY if your form is mapped to that one event.
- The event must be active within your LGL account (not archived).
Mapping to custom event fields
Step 1 is to select the event you want your form to "speak to" (or map to). This will allow you to map to any custom fields you've added in the event. You do that at the top of the form mapping page.
NOTE: It's possible to map to the custom fields for only one event at a time.
Now in the event section of our mapping, we can take advantage of the custom event fields that we created earlier in LGL. For example, in the first field in the section we map the form field “Your meal preference” to the custom LGL event field “Primary meal preference”. We are also using custom event fields to map the form fields for guest meal preferences. The specific custom event field values can be mapped by selecting the light blue "compass" icon for each mapped field.
In the bottom section of this section, we are setting default values. These are values we can infer from the form but that don't come directly from the form. For example, we can infer that the RSVP status should be yes, even though there's no field, per se, that says that.
Setting the "Inv. attendee count" to 1 is a default rule that has some conditional logic built in. You can click the Edit icon (the blue square with a pencil) to set the conditional logic. In this case (below), we are setting the value to 1 only if the field Tickets - Amount "contains" 100 (from the $100 purchase). Setting the rule to "equals" 100 doesn't work, but setting it to "contains" does.
NOTE: It is possible to use the "Inv. attendee count" field only when the additional guest feature is not enabled.
Example submission
In the submission below, a guest is joining. Clicking on "View" in the form submission area of your LGL Forms account shows the complete submission details.
Assuming the credit card transaction has gone through, in the submission queue in your LGL account you see all the details showing up.
In LGL, you can then export a simple report from your event to get all the details you need to manage the event.