Microsoft Word guidelines for LGL mailings

Using Microsoft Word to create a letter template or acknowledgment template or the content for an LGL mailing gives you the freedom to customize your formatting and make your letters look the way you want. But there are some caveats involved in using Word. If you follow the guidelines below, you'll avoid the common problems that can come up, enabling you to enjoy the formatting flexibility that Word offers:



Use columns to divide the page Use text boxes or tables with no border to divide the page
Use section breaks to divide the page Use page breaks
Use “First page” header for multi-page letters
  • For 2-page letters, use Even/Odd
  • For 3+ page letters, use a textbox at the top of each page that needs a header
Use extra carriage returns at the bottom of your letter (these can cause your mailing to add a blank page between each letter)
Remove all extra carriage returns at the bottom of the page
Use letter_content or ps_content for text that needs fancy formatting (bold, italic, bullets, numbered lists) or that needs specific margins
Put content with custom formatting directly on the page in your Word document
Insert merge fields into the header or footer Use text boxes instead
Place large images (over 10MB) into your file Use Word’s image functions to compress the images
Put any of the [[gifts.*.list/custom_list]] merge fields in the middle of a sentence—this will cause an error
Place such fields on their own line so that the line items in the list can display properly
Allow any space/s on either side of any of the [[gifts.*.list/custom_list]] merge fields—this will cause an error when you attempt to download your letters
Remove any spaces on either side of these fields
Use a larger bottom margin than you need Make the bottom margin as small as possible
Use MS Word merge fields (formatted like <<Name of field>>) Use LGL Merge Fields (formatted like [[Name of field]])
Use a file that has MS Word mail merge data attached to it Remove all MS Word Mail Merge info from documents before using them as a mailing
Rename a .doc file with a .docx extension
Open the document in Word and “Save as” a .docx file before using in a mailing or template
Assume your font will apply to a merge field that creates a table in your letter (e.g., [[gifts.2017.list]], [[gifts.2017.custom_ list]])
Set the "Normal" font in your MS Word document to the font you want to use, and then apply the "Normal" style to the merge field