Mapping membership fields
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are exporting membership data and re-importing it in order to bulk update it, make sure you include the LGL Constituent ID and the LGL Membership ID in your export. When re-importing, ensure that you set up a mapping for these fields so that the bulk change you are making will occur in the correct fields.
Required fields
For a membership record to be created, the following fields must have values:
- Membership Level
- Membership Start Date (must be a full date field: preferred format is 2015-10-24, but 10/24/2015 should work as well)
While a membership end date is not technically required, if you don't include one in your import the membership will never expire. Therefore, unless you are importing lifetime memberships, we recommend including a Membership End Date column.
NOTE: An account setting that causes each imported membership to create a new membership, rather than extend an old one, can be turned on in your account if desired. (If this setting is NOT turned on, an existing membership is automatically extended by one year in an import when the membership level in the import data matches a membership level already in LGL.) Contact Support if you would like for this setting to be turned on.
Special fields
No special fields are available.