Building and customizing, scheduling, constituent vs. fundraising, smart fields
- Creating a report
- Reports: Build, customize, and schedule reports
- Generating custom reports from the Constituents or Fundraising tab
- Common reports and how to create them
- Reports: Use smart fields to enhance constituent report building and mailings
- Using reports to analyze year-over-year giving and retention
- Soft credits: Gifts given by a spouse/partner, Donor Advised Funds, Family Foundations
- Constituent PDF profiles
- Reporting on giving from related constituents
- Reporting on relationships
- Create a comprehensive export of your database
- Searching and reporting on consecutive years of giving
- Use permanent links to access scheduled report data
- Creating a mailing list to send to a mail house
- Use smart fields in a custom year-end tax statement mailing
- How do I build a report showing attendee count for an event?