Forms: Keep track of expiring credit cards

In this article:

View expiring credit cards for recurring donors

Keeping track of and asking your donors for updated credit card information when their existing cards are close to expiring is an important part of managing your recurring online donations. 

You can search for credit cards that will soon expire from within LGL Forms by navigating to Donations/Payments > RecurringExpiring Credit Cards:

Receive notification of expiring credit cards

To receive notification of which of your recurring donors' credit cards will expire soon, you can subscribe to the "LGL Forms daily digest", which includes a listing of the number of expiring credit cards.

To subscribe to the "daily digest", go to your LGL Forms account, navigate to Donations/Payments > Summary, and click the Subscribe button, as shown here:

Once you have subscribed to the "daily digest", you'll receive emails containing the daily payments activity in LGL Forms and a notification of the number of credit cards that are expiring:

If you click on the number of credit cards, you will land on the Expiring Credit Cards tab in your LGL Forms account, where you can update the credit card information once you have received it from your recurring donors.