Delete constituents from your account

In this article:


It is possible to delete constituents from Little Green Light one at a time or in bulk. When you delete a constituent, you also delete all gifts or activities that are connected to that constituent. For this reason, we recommend deleting constituents only when you’re sure you will no longer need to reference them or any of the data associated with them.

Delete one constituent

To delete a single constituent from your account, go to the Constituents tab and search for the constituent you want to delete:

Click the Actions button next to the constituent name. When you do this, you'll see the option to delete the constituent:

A warning dialog will open, asking if you're sure you want to delete the constituent.

If you click Cancel the deletion will not happen. If you click OK, the constituent will be deleted.

Delete many constituents at once

To delete multiple constituents at the same time, go to the Constituents tab and search for the constituents you want to delete. You can use any search you need. To select all of the constituents from your search for deletion, click the checkbox shown below at the top of the search results:

Click the Bulk edit menu and select Delete constituents:

Now you will step through the process of reviewing a summary of the information you’re deleting, along with the constituents themselves. Please note that everything connected with the constituents will be removed as well, including gifts, tasks, notes, event attendance, appeals, and any participation in appeals, campaigns, or any other related activity.

(NOTE: Remember that the gift count includes all gift records such as Other Income. This means if you have selected Giving Status = "Non Donor" you may see some gifts in this summary screen as someone who has only "Other Income" type gift records will be treated as a "Non Donor" for their Gift Status.)

The next step is to initiate the deletion by following the instructions in the screen:

NOTE: It is possible to navigate around in the deletion process if you want to add constituents to or exclude them from the group you are deleting:

Once your deletion is complete, it will be available to be restored from the Completed Deletions tab for a period of up to six months:

Restore a set of deleted constituents

In order to be able to restore a set of deleted constituents, that constituent set must have been deleted no longer than six months ago. If the set was deleted more than six months ago, it will not be possible to restore the set.

To recover a set of constituents you deleted, navigate to Constituents > Bulk Edits > Completed Deletions and look for the deleted set you want to restore:

Click the Restore records button to restore the records and all activities associated with them: