In this article:
- Prioritizing tasks
- Adding tasks
- Completing tasks
- Changing the date on tasks from a list view
- Tracking time spent on tasks
- Editing and deleting tasks
- Customizing task types
- Reminders
Tasks are a great way to keep track of fundraising to-do's and other related work items that have a due date and/or an owner. Tasks can be assigned to any LGL team member with access to your account. You can also assign other tasks, comments, contact reports, and documents to tasks, all of which will be viewable in the task’s Related activity section.
Prioritizing tasks
It's possible to call out tasks that have a higher priority by designating them as such. You can do this as you're creating the task, by checking the box shown here:
You can also add the "high priority" designation to an existing task by editing the task:
...and then checking the "High priority" checkbox and saving your change:
On the Tasks page, you'll now see that the task is marked high priority:
Adding tasks
You can add a task by clicking on the Add task button from the Dashboard, the Activity tab, or a constituent details page. Then you can fill out the task form, populating the name of the task, task type, owner, and other details.
While adding a task, you can also add related tasks if multiple, distinct to-do items need to be accomplished as part of the task. These related tasks will be created when the main task is saved. NOTE: You can add related tasks at any time.
You can also upload file attachments:
If the constituent has any relationships established, you can choose to “share” that task so that it displays in more than one constituent record (it will be shaded in the related constituent's record):
Lastly, you can set the access permissions and notifications for this task. Access to this task will be allowed only for users with the specified role, and email regarding the task will be sent to all selected team members.
NOTE: It is also possible to add recurring tasks.
Adding a task to multiple constituent records at once
To add a task in bulk to multiple constituent records at once, you can search for the constituents, select them all, and then choose the "Add task" option from the Bulk edit menu, as shown here:
Completing tasks
To mark a task complete, click on the checkbox next to the task name on any list of activities (for example, from the Activity tab or in the Related activity area of the constituent details page).
When you do this, you will have the option of adding a related contact report (with follow-up tasks if desired) or a closing comment. Neither of these is mandatory, but they offer an easy way to enter the details of a constituent interaction, along with any follow-up tasks that need to be completed to maintain or sustain the relationship.
Changing the date on tasks from a list view
Task dates can be updated from any list view by clicking on the Calendar icon, changing the date as appropriate, and then clicking the Save button.
Tracking time spent on tasks
You can track the time spent on a given task in two ways:
- Enter hours information into the Task form when creating or updating.
- Click on the Clock icon next to any task in a list, and then save the hours right there.

These hours will be included in the activity export and are useful for tracking the time your team spends on certain activities.
Editing and deleting tasks
You can edit or delete tasks by clicking on the Edit or Delete icons in List view. You can also edit/delete tasks by clicking on the Edit or Delete buttons on the task details page:
Customizing task types
If you would like to add any custom task types, you either can do that from your Settings > Menu Items page, within the Other menu items section or by clicking the "Add new" option in the "Types" dropdown menu as you are adding or editing a task.
You can tell LGL to send reminders to the team member the task is assigned to. The reminder email will tell the team member which tasks are due today, as well as list upcoming tasks assigned that will be due in the next two weeks.
To set the ability for a reminder to be sent, you can edit the task:
Then click the "Send reminders?" checkbox:
If a task is still open (not completed) as of its due date, LGL will send a reminder to the team member who is responsible for the task.
Conversely, if you would like to discontinue receiving a reminder for this task, you can uncheck the Send reminders? checkbox.