Envelope Templates

In this article:


You can create new custom envelope templates for use with any mailing in LGL. There are two ways to do this:

  • Define your envelope in Microsoft Word. In this case, envelopes produced will be in a Word document, and you have more control over the formatting. You can also make changes to the address as necessary.
  • Define your envelope directly within LGL. In this case, the envelopes will be in PDF format and will not be editable. You have full control over the dimensions of the envelope, but you don't have control over the placement of the address block. In addition, limited fonts are available.

We generally recommend using Microsoft Word because it is more flexible and reliable when it comes to formatting and printing.

No matter which option you choose, it's a good idea to know the dimensions of the envelope you want to create, in inches. For example, a No. 9 envelope (typical reply envelope for a mailing) and No. 10 (typical outer envelope).

Default templates

By default, your account will have two No. 10 envelope templates available. If you don't need more than that, you can stop reading now. If you do need additional options for envelopes, read on below.

Create your envelope in Word

Creating an envelope template in Word is a bit more complicated than building a label template, but it is very doable. The first step is to create your envelope file in Word. To do that, you need to:

  1. Create a new, blank Word document
  2. Define the page dimensions and layout. In most cases, you'll want to change the orientation to Landscape
  3. Insert the [[address_block]] tag where you want the constituent's address to appear on the envelope
  4. Insert the [[return_address]] tag in the upper-left corner, if desired

NOTE: We recommend using MS Word text boxes to control the placement of these tags on the envelope.

Your file should end up looking something like this:

Once you have the file ready, on the Envelope templates page you can click the Add template button, name your template, and then choose the option to create your envelope in Word.

From there, you can browse for the file you just created on your computer, and then save the template. Then you'll have a new kind of envelope ready to use in any mailing.

Create your envelope in LGL

You can also create envelope templates in LGL. These envelopes will be generated as PDF files. They offer fewer formatting options, but they are easier to set up.

To get started, click the Add template option, name your template, and then click on the second choice, to create the envelope in LGL:

From here, you can choose the envelope size (dimensions), font, and font size. Then save the template.

Quickly print an envelope for one constituent

You can print an envelope for one constituent with the click of a button by going to their constituent record and clicking the Print envelope button within the contact information area for the constituent: