Define your form’s confirmation options

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Once you have saved your form, you can configure the experience your users will have when they complete and submit it to confirm the process is done.

To set up your confirmation options, select the Confirmation link under your form name. You’ll be taken to a screen that gives you the option to create any of the following:

  • A form confirmation page
  • A form confirmation email
  • For recurring donations, a second form confirmation email to be sent each time a recurring payment is processed
  • A notification email for internal tracking purposes

Form confirmation page

The user sees the form confirmation page after they complete and submit your form. This live page is hosted by LGL Forms and will be what the user sees once they have submitted your form. This page is customizable and includes merge fields to pull in data from the form submission.

Or, if you prefer, you can send users to a confirmation page on your website. Just change the option shown below to “Redirect to URL?” to redirect users to an existing page on your website once they have submitted your form.

Confirmation email

You can also send a customizable email as a submission confirmation to users, which offers a content field and merge fields, allowing you to create a receipt, a thank you letter, or some other type of confirmation and summary of what the user completed during the submission process.

NOTE: Setting your confirmation up as a thank-you email to the donor will not mark the donation as acknowledged in LGL. To acknowledge gifts, you can set a default rule on your on your form mapping to define your preferred acknowledgment template (there is also the option to mark a gift as not needing acknowledgment in LGL).

Confirmation emails are not active by default. You can activate them by checking the Send confirmation email checkbox.

Adding your confirmation email text

When you add text to the Content field for your email, please be sure you type the text in manually. Copying and pasting text from another digital source can lead to an error, such as the one shown here:

Sending your confirmation email from your organization's custom domain email address

It is possible to send from any approved email address in forms as long as it is associated with an established custom domain that has been set up to work in your LGL account. 

If you have a custom email domain and you'd like to set up your organization's email address to be used in LGL or LGL Forms, send email to

Re-sending confirmation email

If a donor asks you to re-send the confirmation email, you can do that for the individual from the submission list for the specific form they submitted:

You can only re-send confirmations that were sent in the first place, so if the original submission resulted in an unpaid transaction, you cannot re-send the confirmation because no confirmation was sent in the first place.

Attach a calendar event to a confirmation email

When you set up either a one-time or recurring confirmation email, you also have the option to attach a calendar invite to that email. To do this, navigate to your form's confirmation options and click the Attach calendar event button:

Your email confirmation recipient/s will receive an email that looks something like this:

Recurring confirmation email

You can also send a customizable email as a recurring payment confirmation to users. This email has access to all the same submission information that the original confirmation email has, but it is sent each time the recurring payment is processed (and should be worded accordingly).

Recurring confirmation emails are not active by default. You can activate them by checking the Send recurring confirmation email checkbox.

Internal notification email

The internal notification email is used to notify you whenever a user submits data or makes a payment using your form. Any "approved" email can be used as the "reply to" address in form submission confirmation messages and can be added to Internal Notifications. All users will be on this list, but you can add additional emails for non-users as well by navigating in LGL Forms to Admin > Users and then scrolling down to the Approved Email section.

NOTE: Internal notifications will not be sent for recurring donations after the initial donation is made. To receive notification for when a recurring donation is processed, subscribe to the LGL Forms daily digest. To subscribe to the daily digest, within LGL Forms navigate to Donations/Payments > Summary and click the Subscribe button.

You can also select the content that goes into the email. By default, a full submission summary is included:

As with the other email notifications, these emails can be turned on or off:

Control when an internal notification email is sent to one or more of your team members

You also have the option to determine when an internal notification email will be sent and to whom among the approved team members in your account by setting a conditional rule on the internal notification email for that team member. To set the conditional rule, check the box for the relevant team member. Then check the "Set conditional rule?" box that appears:

You can then put in a mapping to apply the conditional logic, such as sending a notification only when the payment total in the form submission is over $100:

Once you have selected the conditional logic and added the mapping for it, please be sure to save your change before exiting the page: