Basic Training: Constituents 101 (Parts 1 & 2)

Part 1: The Constituent Record

This video is the first of our 6-part Basic Training webinar series. In this video, we cover The Constituent Record in LGL. We review the types of records, how to create them, the use of relationships and managing duplicate records. Presented by Timi Paccioretti and assisted by Virginia Davidson on July 8, 2024.

Presentation slides (Parts 1 & 2)

Printable slides (Parts 1 & 2)

Training Outline (Parts 1 & 2)

Key topics and start times in the Part 1 recording:

Topic covered Video start time
2 types of constituent records 5:40
Setting addressee and salutation preferences 8:58
Demo: How to add a new constituent record 13:00
Managing household data 29:17
Demo: How to create related constituent records 36:40
Searching for duplicate records 43:05

Part 2: Managing and using Constituent data

This video is the second session of our 6-part Basic Training webinar series. In this video, we cover Managing and using Constituent records in LGL. We review how to manage and create Constituent Categories, how to perform Constituent searches as well as using List Manager to create lists of Constituents. Presented by Timi Paccioretti and assisted by Robyn Gallagher on July 9, 2024.


Key topics and start times in the Part 2 recording:

Topic Covered                                                                                                 Video Start time                                             

What are Constituent Categories?                                         3:53
Managing existing Constituent Categories                      6:58
Adding a new custom category                                              14:45
Customizing the order and display of categories            18:20
Bulk editing of categories                                                        24:00
Constituent search options                                                      33:10
Creating Constituent Lists                                                        45:47