Basic Training: Gift Management 101 (Parts 3 & 4)

Part 3: Gift Entry and Gift Coding

This LGL training webinar session is the third session in our 6-part Basic Training webinar series and was presented by Hunter Williams on July 15, 2024.

Presentation Outline (Parts 3 & 4)

Presentation Slides (Parts 3 & 4)

Key topics and start times in the recording:

Topic covered Video start time
Preparing for Gift Entry in LGL 1:28
Gift Types 2:39
Organizing Campaigns, Funds, Appeals, and Events 9:00
Demo: Add a gift record 15:17
Reviewing Gift Entry Consistency 35:35
Bulk Gift Editing 39:58

Part 4: Acknowledging Gifts in LGL

This LGL training webinar session is the fourth session in our 6-part Basic Training webinar series and was presented by Hunter Williams on July 16, 2024.

Presentation Outline (Parts 3 & 4)

Presentation Slides (Parts 3 & 4)

Key topics and start times in the recording:

Topic Covered                                                                              Video Start Time
3 steps to acknowledging gifts                                              2:52
Using LGL Merge fields                                                              4:05
Setting up acknowledgment templates                              14:23
Demo: Creating an acknowledgment template in MS Word.          19:35
Demo: Creating a printed acknowledgment letter                            27:05
Demo: Creating an email acknowledgment                                      43:58
Questions & Answers 55:00