Create multiple records through an LGL form

In this article:


Sometimes you need your form submissions to create multiple different records of the same type for a single submission. Examples include multiple phone numbers, multiple volunteer time entries, or multiple gifts for an event registration. 

In those cases, you can add multiple records of the same type to your form mapping. You'll use the +Add record type menu, shown below, to select your additional mappings for the same record type. 

The section that follows shares two of examples of how you can set this up.


Mapping multiple volunteering entries

This example shows how to offer volunteers the ability to submit multiple time entries through one form. 

Adding multiple set of fields (named so they are distinct from one another) allows the volunteer to submit two separate volunteering records. 

This screenshot shows how to set up the volunteer data fields in your form.

Then you can map the fields as shown here:

When your updates are complete, click the Save & Finish button in the black bar at the top of the page. 

NOTE: As with every form you build or update, we strongly recommend creating a new test submission before publishing your form to make sure the data comes into LGL as expected.

Mapping an additional gift

When you want to collect event registrations as well as give donors a chance to make an additional donation, you can map an additional gift field in your LGL form.

NOTE: It’s not possible to accept multiple recurring gifts simultaneously, so whenever you’re collecting more than one gift in a form the "Recurring" option must be disabled: 

To map the additional gift, click the +Add record type button and choose Gifts/pledges/goals:

Now map the fields, adding any defaults needed for attributes (such as for a specific fund) that you want to set on each additional gift submitted through the form.

When your updates are complete, click the Save & Finish button in the black bar at the top of the page. 

NOTE: As with every form you build or update, we strongly recommend creating a new test submission before publishing your form to make sure the data comes into LGL as expected.