Import event transactions from Auctria

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The auction and event company Auctria has added a special file export that can be easily imported into Little Green Light. To use this file export, you can enable the Auctria template in the Little Green Light Flex Importer.

About the Auctria file export

Auctria has created two special file exports for Little Green Light. As explained on its help page about these exports:

  • The Transaction Export provides one row per bid, sale, or donation from your event and details of each participant's purchased items. A template is available to import this file into LGL.
  • The Account Export provides one row per participant and includes the total of their donations, purchases, and bids without any item details.

We recommend using the Transaction Export so that you'll have details about each item purchased. You can always create summary reports to add up the individual items in LGL. You can use a custom Flex Importer template we created specifically to make importing the Transaction Export easy.

Enabling the Auctria Flex Importer template

To use the Flex Importer template we created, simply enable the Auctria integration on the Integration Settings page in your account. Go to Settings > Integration Settings and look for Auctria on the left side of the page.

Running an import

Once you've enabled the Auctria option (described in the previous section), you will have access to a new Flex Importer template. When you import your Auctria Transaction Export file in the Flex Importer, rather than selecting the field mappings yourself, choose the Auctria Transactions option from the Import Template dropdown menu, as shown here:

After you apply this template, the Flex Importer will assign each field to the appropriate LGL field for importing. The mapping also adds the details about the item (quantity and item title) into the Gift Note field, prepended with the word "Auctria".

Below is a screenshot showing the complete import template. The "Matching" options will default to the usual "Match on email address and name" selection, but we recommend you also check the "email address (no name match required)" box to allow matching on email address only. You can edit any of these import settings by applying the template to a given import and then editing on the mapping page. This will not change the underlying template.