Saved searches

In this article:

Watch a short video about saved searches:

You can save a lot of time if you save your search. Thankfully, that's pretty easy to do. Anytime you find yourself working with a complex query that you might use again, it's probably a good idea to save it. You can always archive it or delete it later.

The examples here are for constituent searches, but the same concepts apply to gift, goal, contact report, task, volunteering, and note searches.

Save a search

To save any search, click on the Save this search button, give the search a name, and click Save.

Once you share your search, the search will appear in the Saved Searches dropdown menu. 

Load a saved search

Once you have saved a search, it will appear in the  Saved Searches menu within the Constituents Advanced Search area, where you can easily get to it with a single click:

Update a saved search

If you want to make a change to a saved search, navigate to the Constituents > All constituents page and load your saved search. Make your update to the search criteria. Click Save this search.

Select the name of the search from the – Update existing – menu or give your search a new name. Click Save.

You can also make this change from Home > My searches:

Share a saved search

By default, your saved searches will be visible to you alone. However, you can share your searches with other team members. For example, if you want to update "Non-board gifts over $500 this FY" to be visible to all administrators and fundraisers in your LGL account, load the search in the Advanced Search area of your Constituents page. Then, to share it, click the Save this search button, click the Share? checkbox, choose whom you want to share it with, and then save, as shown here:

You will still be able to view the shared search in the Advanced Search box, in the upper right corner:

Delete a saved search

You can delete a saved search by navigating to  Home > Saved searches. Here you have the option either to delete the saved search or to view/edit it: