Frequently asked questions about LGL gift acknowledgments


(Click a question to link to the answer)

Q. How do I send year-end tax receipts?

A. This article explains how to create year-end tax receipts or statements.

Q. How can I troubleshoot my Microsoft Word template?

Please read this article to troubleshoot errors or issues that may affect your use of Microsoft Word with your acknowledgment mailing.

Q. Why is there an Unacknowledged Gifts alert on my Dashboard?

A. This article explains what that alert is for and more about how to use it.

Q. What should I do if I forgot to mark my mailing as “Sent”?

A. For instructions on how to remedy this issue, please read this article.

Q. I assigned the wrong template to a gift. How do I change it?

A. If you assigned the wrong template to a gift, you can search for the acknowledgment template from your Fundraising tab, which will bring into your search results all of the gifts that acknowledgment template is assigned to:

From within the search results, you have the option to remove the current acknowledgment template by hovering on the name of the template and then clicking the red “x” that appears:

Once you’ve removed the template, you’ll see the option to add a new one:

Q. How can I acknowledge split gifts within a single acknowledgment letter or email?

Please follow these instructions.

Q. Can I set up an automated monthly or quarterly LGL acknowledgment for a recurring gift?

No, it is not possible to set up an automated LGL acknowledgment mailing or email (though if your recurring gifts are being given through an LGL form, you can set up a recurring confirmation email to acknowledge them. Note that this is a separate process from LGL Acknowledgments that is specific to LGL form use only). LGL acknowledgment letters always require you to print and send them. And LGL acknowledgment emails always require you to click the "Queue email for sending" button in order to be sent by email through LGL Direct Email.

However, there is a way to set up an LGL acknowledgment template for a recurring gift, where you can acknowledge all of your recurring gifts from a constituent at once. If you leave your acknowledgment mailing in Draft and assign more than one gift from a constituent to that acknowledgment, LGL will sum up the multiple gifts into one acknowledgment. 

You can manually manage acknowledging your recurring gifts process by following these steps:

  1. Assign all gifts for the quarter or year to one acknowledgment template
  2. Leave that acknowledgment template in Draft (do not use this template for other gifts you will send out before the end of the quarter or year)
  3. Remember to send the acknowledgment at the end of each quarter or year before assigning more gifts to that acknowledgment template.

If you review your LGL Merge Field Reference, you'll see merge fields that you can use in your acknowledgment template that will pull a list of multiple gifts in.