Bulk gift editing
In this article:
- When to use bulk gift editing
- How it works (includes video)
- Undoing a bulk gift edit
Bulk gift editing lets you adjust the gift attributes for multiple gifts simultaneously. All gifts you edit in bulk using this feature will receive the same new values you set.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Bulk gift editing requires that any gifts you edit in bulk share the same Gift Type. This means they must be either gifts, pledges, in-kind gifts, or other income gifts. The reason for this requirement is that different gift types come with different sets of attributes; for example, all gifts include a tax-deductible amount, but none of the other gift types include this.
When to use bulk gift editing
If you want to apply one or more attributes to multiple gifts, you can use the Bulk Gift Edit feature. Examples of how you can use it include:
- You imported a slew of gifts from your gala event last month but all of those gifts accidentally went through with today's date as the gift date. Instead of undoing and re-importing that file, you can search for those gifts (in Fundraising > Giving) and update them in bulk. Once you filter by Gift Type, you can then re-set the date to the appropriate date of the gala. All gift dates for the gifts in your set will be replaced with the correct date that you added.
- Over the years you've been using a gift note to identify "in memory of" gifts. Now you want to more formally track those using a gift category. You can search for gifts with the gift note text "In Memory" and then bulk edit that set of gifts so they take on your "In Memory" gift category. You can also search gift note text from the Constituents tab.
- You sold a large number of tickets to your gala dinner. Your accountant tells you that those ticket purchases should be set with the tax-deductible amount of $25 per ticket (rather than the full price). You can search for sales by dollar amount and set the tax-deductible amount as needed. For example, search for purchases at the $50 level and re-set the deductible amount to $25. Then search for purchases at the $100 level and set the deductible amount to $50, and so on.
As long as you can identify a set of gifts that share the same gift type, all of which should receive the same new attribute value, then the Bulk Edits feature is your friend.
How it works
The bulk gift editing process consists of three steps:
- Search for gifts in Fundraising > Giving. Use any of the search parameters you like (such as gift date, gift amount, etc.) and then apply a Gift Type filter (found on the left-most column on the screen) (NOTE: You won't be able to click this button until you choose a Gift Type filter). The Bulk edit button becomes active:
In the screenshot above, we ran a search for gifts that have no campaign name associated with them, and then filtered by Gift Type = Gift (step 1). That search and filter resulted in 21 gift records (step 2). We can now click the Bulk edit button from step 3 shown in the image.
- Edit. Choose the fields you want to update and set the new value. In this example, we've set the campaign to "Annual Giving":
NOTE: Any custom gift categories you have created in your account will be available for bulk editing.
- Review and save. You can proceed to the final step by either clicking on the Review and save button or clicking the Next button. On this third and final step, review the edits that you've queued up (step 1 in the image below), and click the Update records button to commit the change (step 2 below).
You can also choose to name your bulk edit on this screen.
If you aren't ready to commit the bulk edit, you can click Save for later and return to the bulk edit at a later point.
Once you click the update button, you'll return to the Fundraising > Giving view of the gifts you are editing. Here you'll see a message saying that a bulk edit is in progress:
Undoing a bulk gift edit
After running your bulk edit, you might realize you made a mistake. Not a problem. You can undo your bulk edit by clicking on the Bulk Edits sub-navigation link in the Fundraising tab. From there, on the Completed Edits tab, you can undo your most recent bulk update (and only your most recent update) by clicking into the most recent bulk edit and clicking the Undo bulk edits button: