Setting up your account to send LGL Email

In this article:


It is possible to send transactional* or marketing emails from within your Little Green Light account. This feature allows you to create and send individual emails, send emails to a list of constituents, and send acknowledgment emails to donors.

The LGL Email service is a great way to streamline transactional email communications with your donors, such as acknowledgments, pledge reminders, event RSVP follow-ups, membership renewal reminders, and other types of small batch bulk emails. Though it is not meant to be a replacement for an email marketing service (Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or the like), it can still be used to communicate with your constituents in a marketing capacity. However, if you use it in this way, you are required to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act

Daily email sending limit as you're getting started

Be aware that there is a daily limit on the number of emails that can be sent from your LGL account based on your account's status (whether in trial or subscribed). Limits will be lifted for subscribing accounts when their email reputation has been established. For more information, please see our knowledge base article Limits on sending email directly from Little Green Light.

Precautions to be aware of when sending email in bulk

When you send emails this way from LGL, you should use the same precautions you would when sending email from your work email account. Remember, it’s never a good idea to send unsolicited marketing emails, and you are responsible for making sure any marketing emails sent through LGL are CAN-SPAM Actcompliant. Sending unsolicited marketing emails can get you in trouble with your email provider, which can cause your email address to be flagged as spam (possibly hindering deliverability of future emails).

Set up your account to send LGL email

NOTE: The Activate LGL Email button will not be visible for the first three days after the creation of your LGL account. It will automatically display after that.

To get started with LGL Email, go to the Mailings > Emails page, and click the Activate LGL Email button, as shown here:

Then follow these instructions to send your emails.

* A transactional email is addressed to a single person and is used to complete a transaction. An example of a transactional email is an acknowledgment letter sent as an email message.