Add or update your email signature

In this article:

View your email signature

As long as you are an approved email sender (which requires that you have Administrator- or Fundraiser-level permissions in your Little Green Light account), you can view your email signature. To do this, go to the Mailings > Emails page, and click the Manage Senders tab, as shown here:

You can then view your email signature in the Signature column:

Update your email signature

To update your email signature, from the Manage Senders tab on your Mailings > Emails page click the Edit button for your email profile name:

In the window that opens, you can use any of the WYSIWYG commands that are available to update your email signature:

Add an image to your email signature

When editing your email signature, as described in the previous section, you can also add an image to it.

First, if your image hasn't yet been saved into LGL, you can add it by following these instructions. Then click the "Insert/Edit Image" button shown below and select the image from the "Image List" dropdown menu to insert it into your email signature:

Insert your signature image into your LGL email

Once you've created your email signature, it will be possible to insert it into an email template by using this merge field:
